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The use of quick protections. clutch technique and the correct way to tape. All of that and ore in the Trad Climbing Course. To become a specialist in crack climbing.
Trad Climbing Course is structured in two days that, at request, can happen in a weekend or with a different solution.
First day:
Study of quick protections, analysis of the various clutch techniques and practice on mono-pulls.
Second day:
Stop setting and climbing on mono- and bi-pulls.
At the end of the Trad Climbing Course, participants will have a good knowledge of nuts, friends, rock nails and use of half ropes and a complete overview of clutching techniques.

*Minimum number

Course starts with minimum 3 participants.


Trad Climbing Course

Two days to discover the world of carck climbing and to elicit every single secret.
From taping to protections, from clutch techniques to dulfer, everything you need to know regarding this rough and adventurous climbing style.


6a as rope leader


Maximum 6 participants


Ceresole Reale -Valle dell’Orco




Two days


Free dates to be defined based on your request.


200€ per person*

Il costo comprende:

  • l’assistenza della Guida Alpina UIAGM durante tutta la durata dell’attività
  • prestito, se necessario del materiale tecnico (corda, ramponi e piccozza, imbrago, casco)

Il costo non comprende:

  • spese extra come funivie, rifugi, spostamenti con mezzi pubblici o privati ecc.

Le spese della Guida Alpina sono da ritenersi a carico dei partecipanti


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